FAQ - Kakande Stephen


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Mt. Sinai Family?
Mt. Sinai Family is a union of baptized lay men and women of diverse backgrounds, cultures and nationalities, who are committed and devoted themselves to carrying out New Evangelization of the Church and the world through prayer, work and witness so as to be the light of the world.

What is this ‘Light of the world?

The light of the world is:

a) Jesus Christ himself (I am the light of the world, John 8:12).
b) The light of God is also each believer (you are the light of the world Mathew:

1. Why a Union? Union in the Mt. Sinai Family context refers to
a. The spiritual fellowship between the Trinity and any believer.
b. The spiritual fellowship between the members wherever they are.
c. The social fellowship between the members wherever they are.

6. What is New Evangelization?
New Evangelization means bringing the good news of God’s saving love in Christ Jesus to every person; using new ways, new methods, new expressions, new zeal, new enthusiasm, new vigour and new approach to preaching the gospel.

7. How is this done?
(i) By being baptized in the Holy Spirit, for the empowerment of the spiritual gifts and ongoing conversion.
(ii) By joining the Mt Sinai Family and becoming a new evangelizer.
(iii) By creating, and productive use of natural and Charismatic /spiritual gifts to build the kingdom of God and renew the face of the earth.

8. What is Mt. Sinai Family motto? The Mt. Sinai Family motto is ‘With One Heart’.

9. What does it mean?
Mt. Sinai Family motto means that: Whatever we do for the sake of establishing the kingdom of Christ in our hearts and the world; we do it with one heart. We devote our mind and thinking to the will of Christ at all times in our lives.

10. What are the six Cs of MT. Sinai Family?
The six Cs are the six words showing the six ways by which Mt. Sinai Family Members live and bears witness to the Gospel.

11. Name the six C’s
Charismata---------------Charismatic Gifts
Christus--------------------Christ (in the Eucharist)

12. Explanation of the Six Cs of Lumen Dei Network.

I) Contemplation
We the members of Mt. Sinai Family seek union with the Father, Son and the
Holy Spirit in all we say, think and do. We teach a contemplative method of ‘centering prayer’ and we promote the enjoyment of solitude (Mt. 6:6-7)

(ii) Communion
We seek a deep communion with the Trinity and with each other and with the
saints in light. We espouse a network of spiritual and social relationships.

(iii) Caritas:
Prophetic Charity The love of God and neighbor (which is prophetic charity) compels us to share what we have with who needs it most. Prophetic charity leads us to stand with those at societal and spiritual margins who welcome the gospel as the true liberation of life (LK: 6:27-32).

IV) Charismata
We welcome and promote all authentic gifts of the Holy Spirit among the
members and seek to foster their proper use in the Church for prayer and
‘diakonia’ (service) for the glorification of God’s holy name and the salvation of all
peoples (1 st cor. 12: 4-1).

V) Christus
Christ the light of God and the light of the world is the heart and soul of our
union. Our Christo-centric life is nurtured by daily sharing of the word of God in
our homes and our places of work. By this spiritual nourishment we find that the

light of Christ is within us and we can become the light of the world (Mathew
5:14, John: 6:48)

VI) Cross
We embrace the way of the cross in all we think, say and do with love, faith and
hope. The cross of Jesus Christ is the center of all our devotions. We learn how to
‘die to self’ in small ways in order to be raised up with Christ. We confess the
liberation and peace through the cross in imitation of the martyrs of Uganda, St.
Padre Pio, St. Benedict, Mother Thereza of Calcutta and other saints (Jn: 24-25).

13. How do Mt. Sinai Family Members live and intensify the six C’s?
In our daily lives, we live and intensify the six C’s as follows:
Sunday: Communio- Community celebration of the Eucharist. We go to any
Catholic Church near us for Eucharistic fellowship with the rest of the believers.
Monday-Communio. We meet as members for communal prayers and other
deliberations .
Tuesday- Caritas- Charitable outreach to the poor and marginalized (mission).
On this day, we endeavor to offer any act of charity to those in need.
Wednesday: Crucis-Cross. Self offering through work.
Thursday-Christus. We do Eucharistic adoration and benediction (Pray)
Friday-Contemplatio and Crucis. Desert day,fasting,silence and solitude (Pray)
Saturday-Charismata-'come and drink' charismatic prayer, empowerment for
mission and devotion to the Holy Spirit and our lady of peace (mission).

14. What are the 9 practices of Mt. Sinai Family Members?
1. Light a candle and make a personal prayer to Jesus
2. Take 10 minutes silence daily in front of either a candle or the Blessed
3. Endeavour to attend mass daily, if not, read and meditate on the gospel of the
4. Intensify at least one C in each week with a scripture
5. Make a disciple and practice charity
6. Confession at least once in a month
7. Net work with your prayer partners

8 Attend the monthly Mt. Sinai Family meetings
9. Spend at least 5 minutes every day praying for empowerment and infilling of
the Holy Spirit.

15. What is the mission of Mt Sinai Family?
The mission of Mt. Sinai Family is to strive to be a living testimony of God’s love
to humanity and the rest of creation. We witness to the goodness of the lord to all
creation in words and deeds. We preach Christ at any cost. (Luke 24: 45-53)

16. The Mt Sinai Family hour of prayer power
The Mt Sinai Family hour of prayer power also called miracle hour refers
to one hour of personal prayer divided into different segments as shown below

1- Prepare yourself – call the holy spirit
2- Give thanks and praise to God
3- Worship and adoration
4- Repentance
5- Forgive others
6- Intercession and petitions
7- Scripture/ spiritual reading and writing
8- contemplation
This prayer can be done ALONE or in a GROUP with a leader. The four keys to contemplation are: silence, solitude, stillness, surrender
15mins 5mins
8 1
6 3
5 4 5mins 7mins

5mins 3mins

The given times for each section are only a suggestion, be led by the Holy Spirit. In
other words be flexible. Prayer is a personal relationship with someone not
something, listen to that someone.
17. When is the Mt Sinai Family hour of prayer power prayed?
The Mt Sinai Family hour of prayer power is prayed once a week by each member.

18. How do I become a member of Mt. Sinai Family?
By becoming a disciple of another member of the family, getting introduced to the
family, attending the family’s fellowships and monthly retreats and being
commissioned for ministry.

19. When is one enrolled into the Mt. Sinai Family?
One is enrolled into the Mt. Sinai Family when he or she is registered and

20. When does the membership expire?
The membership to Mt. Sinai Family is for life but can expire when a member
revokes his or her membership. It also expires when a member dies.

21. Who can join Mt. Sinai Family?
Every baptized believer who is freely willing to join Mt. Sinai Family can be accepted
to join the family at the discretion of the family’s director or his delegate. The non-
baptized can be friends and associates to the family and can attend the family’s
prayers, fellowships and gatherings.

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